2019 Cyprus

Mazotos, Cyprus August 1st to the 4th, 2019

Organizing Committee: Y Sok – host, Christos Koulendros – host; Audrey Chen, Al Margolis, Walter Wright, Dei Xhrist

 XFest Cyprus performers and organizers - photo by Adrian Northover
XFest Cyprus performers and organizers – photo by Adrian Northover

Friday August 2, 2019

Audrey Chen, Victoria Shen

Adrian Northover, Arnaud le Mindu

Rodrigo Constanzo, Natali Garner, Richard Scott

Christos Koulendros, Afroditi Psarra

Jane Boxall, Ky Brooks, Dei Xhrist

Tracy Lisk, Ilan Manouach, Phil Minton

Bonnie Kane, Clive Graham, Walter Wright

Sue Lynch, Emmanuel Lalande

Birgit Goldbourne, Andrea Pensado, Mia Zabelka

Movement; Cilla Vee

Saturday August 3, 2019

Jane Boxall, Birgit Goldbourne, Victoria Shen

Ilan Manouach, Adrian Northover, Marko Wunderlich

Tracy Lisk, Mia Zabelka, Panagiotis Mina

Natali Garner, Emmanuel Lalande

Clive Graham, Arnaud le Mindu

Audrey Chen, Rodrigo Constanzo, Sue Lynch

Phil Minton, Walter Wright

Ky Brooks, Bonnie Kane, Christos Koulendros

Adam Bohman, Andrea Pensado, Afroditi Psarra

Henrik Nørstebø, Richard Scott, Dei Xhrist

Sunday August 4, 2019

Dei Xhrist, Cilla Vee

Andrea Pensado, Mia Zabelka, Bonnie Kane

Christos Koulendros, Ilan Manouach, Afroditi Psarra

Ky Brooks, Mia Zabelka, Walter Wright

Audrey Chen, Phil Minton, Henrik Nørstebø, Richard Scott